
Thank you for your support!
NASTIE summer workout program has come to an end 🙁
As many of you know, I have accepted a new job as the Holmen High School Activities Director. With this new role comes a year-round job and other responsibilities. As much as I would love to continue to provide this program, I can’t find the time or resources to pull it off anymore. I appreciate everyone who has supported this adventure during the summer months. The program formerly known as “NASTIE” has seen its course.
With that being said, I haven’t left the scene completely. I have been working with Three Rivers Performance to provide an opportunity for athletes to pursue greatness through weight training and speed development. These sessions will be geared towards serious athletes who want to be pushed hard in the weight room. Spots will be limited and there will be a fee as these professionals in the training industry will be renting HHS facilities and providing the coaches etc. Information about this opportunity is linked above.
As far as the younger kids go, there will be limited spots for training through Three Rivers Performance at HHS. There will also be opportunities with Pursuit Fitness youth groups out of Ironworks training center in Holmen who have been working with athletes in the area for years.
Lastly, there will be open lifting available for High School aged students (open lifting means supervised, but not programmed) from 8:00 – 9:00 AM for no cost. The expectation during this time is to be lifting and not socializing. Those who don’t comply with expectations will be asked to come back tomorrow to try to meet the expectations.
Parting thoughts:
Many people will get this information and be upset because it is different than what they are used to. Change is hard for everyone, especially when it deals with finances. Putting together this type of programming is no easy task and requires lots of time, effort, and resources. There is no option you or your kid HAVE to do. A driven person can accomplish ANYTHING with the right mindset and the tools they wake up within their own home. This journey with Three Rivers Performance is a starting point to see if we should strengthen our relationship and find creative ways to incorporate their services into our school. Pursuit has ALWAYS been Holmen-friendly and continues to work with our athletes. They are both loaded with great people and great features. This ala carte system gives you choices, but no choice is the right or wrong choice unless you choose to be unmotivated or lazy!